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Causes of Workplace Motivational Failure

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Employment
Wordcount: 1246 words Published: 8th Feb 2020

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For any worker working in an organization or an enterprise, employee motivation is a critical part of the day-to-day work to bring out more significant levels of creativity. Other factors that benefit from employee motivation are employees become progressive in problem-solving, eagerness to engage and deal with customer problems, thereby increasing customer satisfaction, higher outcome and productivity, increase in employee standards for dependability. Motivation is a worker’s natural energy drive to achieve tasks identified with work and an internal drive that makes an individual choose to make a move and advance in their work. A person’s motivation is impacted by natural, academic, social, and emotional variables. Accordingly, motivation is an intricate power that can likewise be affected by external components.

 Workism is a framework that consolidates work, home, and public activity; rising above the mindsets of its members to an aggregate average chain of command. According to an article in The Atlantic, by Thompson, workism is ” the conviction that work isn’t just important to profit generation, yet besides the focal point of one’s character and life’s motivation; and the conviction that any strategy to advance human welfare should dependably empower more work (Leadership Tips, 2019).” He also states that workism leads to a sense of failure and dissatisfaction among certain individuals who carry large student debts when they enter the working world, while some of their friends are achieving success as entrepreneurs. Here arises the need to motivate employees and to enlighten them with knowledge and financial support to achieve success with their work and help them advance in their careers.

 Understanding the importance to achieve a company’s vision and mission is a critical point that any employer should include in steps to the motivation of employees. Changes to the activity plan or frameworks, offering constant criticism, stressing individual responsibility, including everybody in essential leadership, being adaptable and commending worker and company’s achievement are the seven key points of employee motivation discussed in the given article from the case study. Apart from those, there exists other variables or factors to motivate the employees. A quantitative survey conducted on UNITEN KSHAS employees by gathering the data through sampling and questionnaires revealed that there is a massive connection between employees and motivation to undertake business entrepreneurship and inventive conduct and it is both intrinsic and extrinsic inspiration that influences the creative behavior (Amar, Yuvraj, and Aerni, 2018). Their research also states that creative employee conduct prompts entrepreneurship and should be organized efficiently.

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 Organizations mostly depend on teamwork. Hence all the members of the team play a significant part in inspiring through employee motivation. A review conducted by The International Association of Applied Psychology reveals that employees work less ideally when they are persuaded in a controlled manner and take part in specific behavior out of internal or outside pressures. Due to the significance of self-ruling versus controlled motivation for employee conduct and prosperity, it is essential to comprehend when the two sorts of motivation rise. Employees become self-motivated when they feel fulfilled in their fundamental psychological requirements for self-governance, ability, and relatedness, whereas controlled motivation emerges when these necessities stay unsatisfied according to the self-determination theory (Jungert, Van, Schreurs, and Osterman, 2018).

 Motivation is the eagerness to take care of business by beginning as opposed to delaying, and sufficiently contributing mental exertion to succeed represents an achievement for team success. However, managers are frequently at a loss concerning how to successfully inspire unmotivated employees. As discussed in research on motivation by Richard, motivation is pivotal to initially precisely recognize the purpose behind an employee’s absence of motivation and apply a focussed technique afterward (Clark and Saxberg, 2019).

 The reasons for motivational failure are an imbalance of values, absence of self-adequacy, troublesome emotions, and attribution mistakes. Identifying and engaging in problem-solving conversations, understanding employee’s skill set and explaining the importance of their self-identity in the team and the role they play in organizational growth help towards successful outcomes. Increasing self-confidence of employees and making them confident to solve challenges to achieve a better progression, Motivating the employees non-judgementally when they suffer from anxiety or depression, active listening, controlled emotion techniques and helping them divide the tasks and working as a team to meet the deadlines helps to solve most of the problems of unmotivated employees.



  1. Amar Hisham Jaaffar, Yuvaraj Ganesan, & Aerni Isa. (2018). Employees’ Motivation to Undertake Entrepreneurship and Innovative Behavior: UNITEN KSHAS. Global Business & Management Research, 10(3), 782–796. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.myucwest.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=133618173&site=eds-live&authtype=ip,url,uid
  2. Clark, R. E., & Saxberg, B. (2019). 4 Reasons Good Employees Lose Their Motivation. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2–5. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.myucwest.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=135652506&site=eds-live&authtype=ip,url,uid
  3. Jungert, T., Van den Broeck, A., Schreurs, B., & Osterman, U. (2018). How Colleagues Can Support Each Other’s Needs and Motivation: An Intervention on Employee Work Motivation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67(1), 3–29. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.myucwest.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=126899645&site=eds-live&authtype=ip,url,uid
  4. Leadership Tips. (2019). Do you suffer from workism. Leadership Briefings, 34, 1. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.myucwest.ca/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=135319529&site=eds-live&authtype=ip,url,uid
  5. Driverzz – Any Time Driver. Next Drive Transportation and Services Pvt Ltd. Retrieved May 25, 2019, from https://www.driverzz.com/


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