Harvard Wiki Referencing Generator

Reference an online wiki using the Harvard style of academic citation

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Create a harvard wiki reference and in-line citation

Please enter the details of the wiki you wish to reference below:

* Required Fields

Enter the full title of the wiki or page

You must enter the title of the wiki that you wish to reference

Enter the year the wiki was published in YYYY format. If you only know the year of Copyright then enter a "c" before the year eg: c2015

No date was entered. Harvard requires [no date] be entered if the Year of publication is not known. If you wish to use [no date] then scroll down and click on Create Reference again to create a reference without a publication date. Alternatively enter the year of publication in YYYY format.

Enter the full title of the wiki or page

You must enter the title of the wiki that you wish to reference

Enter the date you accessed the wiki

No date was entered. You need to enter the date that you accessed the wiki e.g. 28 March 2025

Enter the full URL of the wiki

Enter the URL of the wiki you wish to reference

Click the button below to generate your Harvard Wiki Reference and In-line Citation. Don't worry, you can come back and edit the reference if you need to correct or add any information

Example Harvard References for Online Sources

Example Wiki Reference

Wikipedia. 2007. Socrates. [Online]. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Socrates action=history

Example In-Text Citation for a Wiki

(Socrates, 2007)

Reference a different source type